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Old January 21st, 2011, 11:13 PM   #497
thaininja member
Name: allan
Location: thailand
Join Date: Aug 2010

Motorcycle(s): Nothing at the moment

Posts: 55
Originally Posted by want1sobad View Post
no, i have not taken any orders since early november. i have been contacted by several individuals who want to place orders and have had to turn them away because of this fiasco and paul's lack of communication.

good god, how many times do i have to repeat myself? every single item has been paid for (other than rearsets adjusters). there are no "recently added items". paul was made aware of these orders prior to thanksgiving and has been sitting on the funds since 12/17/10. i am not blaming him, these are facts. i did not ask paul to hold the shipment, i asked him to include as much as possible so that a customer who has been waiting 2 months doesn't have to wait another 2 months because his stuff was left out (which would probably be the case based on paul's track record). i explained to paul that if there are items that won't be ready to ship by the 28th that he let me know asap so that i can advise the customer and everything that is ready can ship immediately.

i keep detailed records and have triple checked everything to ensure all payments have remitted. understandably, paul may be getting mixed up as he's trying to sort through payments and lists were remitted 4-6 effing months ago and of course he has all his other orders to deal with.

at the end of the day, the appropriate course of action for paul is to own up to his mistake, ship everything that he can by the 28th if not sooner, and call it a day in order to make this situation right and move on.

btw, he STILL hasn't communicated with me since wednesday.......
Ok.. This is the Pm you sent me before i went to see Paul.


thanks for getting involved with this.

all these items were paid for long ago and should be ready to ship:

4pr clip-ons (1 red, 3 black)
8pr small fork caps ( 3 black, silver, blue, gold, 2 red)
3 black OEM seat cowls
1 gloss black hugger
1 new 2-piece swing arm cover/hugger (matte black cover, matte black hugger)
1 carbon look hugger(s) - pattern #3
1 flasher relay
1pr angled risers (red)
1 koso kit (jean tran's)

these are "new" orders (although i received payment and paul was made aware of these items over a month ago)

1pr grips (red)
1pr weighted bar ends (red)
1 windscreen (red)
1pr carbon look mirrors (pattern 1)
6pr OEM rearset adjusters w/ shift linkage (black)

i have requested paul ship EVERYTHING from both these lists he has in stock by the 28th at the absolute latest. when you stop by his place, please confirm that all 6prs of rearset adjusters are good to go and in the box. i have informed paul that i will submit payment once this has taken place. i also need to know what items, if any are not available (should only be the "new" orders). i will inform customers of items that may not be ready so they can decided whether or not they're willing to wait any longer.

please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks again.

................................................................................ ......................
Firstly the part in RED You did not say that they were ordered just made aware of....

2nd on the underlined part you state submit payment.. I took that as payment for the "new items"

I can understand the problems if you are not using order forms (MS word. spreadsheets) and payment confirmations.

You also keep stating Paul's lack of communication.
But what are you doing to ensure contact?
Are you just banging off emails and waiting for Paul to answer?
If so when did the poor communication start?

Was it around the time that Paul says he was in Japan and moving building's?
................ It can take up to 3 months to get a telephone line and Internet here in Thailand. We do not have 3g here so mobile phone internet is also slow.

But saying that i have now made Paul aware of what is available and he will sort communications out.

so Vince here is an option for you.
low cost calling to international numbers.

Now the onus is on YOU to contact Paul (Shinto racing, your supplier) to ensure YOUR customers get their products. YOU sold the products to the customers because YOU are the "Shinto US guy".

Regards Allan
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