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Old February 4th, 2011, 09:10 AM   #10
harlumjp member
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Name: Jordan
Location: Orange County, CA
Join Date: May 2010

Motorcycle(s): Totaled 2010 Ninja 250r :(

Posts: 77
Originally Posted by FrugalNinja250 View Post
I've experienced several scenarios that began like this. I assume the horn (which I can barely hear past my earplugs) will be inaudible through the closed windows of a car at any distance. Instead what I do is flash my high-beams whenever I get the slightest hint that they're not seeing me. On more than one occasion a car that has started to move slams on the brakes when I do that and an accident was likely avoided.
What happened was we both looked right at each other and he stopped so I assumed he was not going to start moving again! I am aware of the horn situation on our bikes being nearly useless and I usually use the high beam trick when lane splitting, but not in this case...

Honestly, I truly believe that if you could show on a screen what many drivers see when they're looking in your direction (no, not at you, just your direction) you'd see a motorcycle-shaped blank spot where you were.
Agree 100%!

I would seriously entertain the notion of getting a lawyer because I'm betting the insurance company's going to try lowballing you by $10-20 thousand bucks.
Yup, I'm already in contact with one that was referred to me by a friend. Question is how much do lawyers usually take from your settlement? Is it a fixed percentage or does it depend on how much work they have to do? He did say he won't get paid if I don't get paid....
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