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Old February 17th, 2011, 11:02 AM   #33
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MVC3 is a let down to me. There's a complete loss of control. In mvc2, you had a light punch/ heavy punch and light kick/ heavy kick. Now's it's just low, medium, and heavy attack. Also, when switching characters, you have to hold down the partner button. Holding it down sometimes doesn't call them in. There doesn't seem to be many unlockable characters. I played through the game 3 times I think and got them all unlocked except for the 2 that you have to download.

Shuma Gorath and Jill Valentine are the dc's and I don't plan on getting them. I never played them in 2 and doubt I'd bother in this one. Many of the characters they kept or put in are crap. They took out a few favorites like Captain Commando and left in stupid ones like Tron. Thor doesn't throw his hammer as far as I can tell, altho I haven't done all his moves.

The end fight with galactus isn't easy. What really sucks is that he does a move that takes off 1/2 your life and you can't block it. He also does some eye beams which you also can't block.

The biggest let down are the endings, or lack thereof. Each ending is a comic style ending with text bubbles and they're about 20 seconds long. In this day and age of games that have the capability to drive graphics like Gears of War, Crysis, ETC, they give us endings that you would find from the 80's.

I don't know what's up with capcom, but I'm not a fan anymore. Their games have gotten a lot worse.
The guy
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