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Old February 19th, 2011, 09:42 AM   #175
Anthony_marr guru
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Name: Anthony
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Motorcycle(s): 2005 Kawasaki Ninja ZZR 250; 1996 Suzuki Katana GSXF 600; 80s Yamaha 650 Special; 70s Kawasaki 350 Triple

Posts: 448
Originally Posted by ungluck View Post
it boggles me the amount of people who knowingly ride without helmets, in slippers(flipflops), wife beaters, shorts, no gloves,etc...when they have seen it in someway, the damage, the rash,etc. yet they do it anyway.

it's like people who shoot heroine or smoke/snort meth...they know..but they do it anyway.

or people who cheat..they know they'll get caught.

so, to me..any impact and teaching,awareness made could change that persons perspective, especially as an adult or parent, just making or nicely persuading a beginner,etc to gear up..could change their perspective on gear and make them gear up, everytime. some won' can't lead every horse to water and make em or expect em to drink.

just how it is. influence is good, especially when it's good. especially to the youth,friends and family. but..their is the bad influence or the i don't give a fuk attitude.

win some lose some.

have a good un
I have driven through over 44 states, and it is always a jolt to enter a state without helmet laws. I view them as the survivors in a war zone favored only by chance. On the other hand, I see almost no one riding without a helmet in those states with helmet laws. This shows me that where there is a reasonable law, 99% of the people will obey it. So this boils down to whether ATGATT can be legally enforced. Obviously, those who voluntarily abide by this rule do it because they value what they have beneath their necks as much as they do what is above it. And this in turn depends on whether they could set up a law to protect those who don't.

I see no economic objection to an ATGATT law where the legislators are concerned, since the outlay will come from the riders themselves, and the savings will be in the medical system.
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