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Old March 24th, 2011, 02:45 PM   #26
Ninja Lover!
Name: Beast
Location: sacramento
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): Kawasaki Ninja 250r

Posts: 71

Originally Posted by Xoulrath View Post
I think people are staying on topic. She obviously has limited knowledge, through her own admission no less, about motorcycles. She asked questions about exhausts and has been getting answers about exhausts. She also has a very poor and unfortunately very common misunderstanding about noise and how sound travels.

The other day I was riding behind my brother who has a V&H exhaust on his V Star 650. I am following him in my car. Window down, I can hear him fine. I can hear him so easily in fact that I feel his exhaust is really loud. Roll up the window and if I didn't see him I wouldn't know he was there. If a car has to be on top of you to hear you, then the loud pipe didn't do what she thinks it does. This pertains to exhausts and one of the reasons she wants one.

People talking about exhausts when the OP asked about exhausts is very much on topic. One of the greatest things about the members of this forum is that they are always looking out for other members. I like and appreciate that.

If we started talking about helmets then we would be off topic. But hey, I'm not a mod so what do I know?

very unfortunate huh! sad, I know
BUT if the sound doesn't warn that i am around and people dont hear me, then fine. Ill do my duty as a rider and ride the way i was taught and be defensive and at the same time i will have a pretty cool sounding bike
California Girl loving her Ninja!
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