Thread: Jacket Size
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Old March 25th, 2011, 06:02 PM   #11
bikesam member
Name: Samuel
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Originally Posted by Xoulrath View Post
Sam, I am curious, why are you working out so hard to gain the weight, to then cut back down? I used to do the weight thing back in the day and what you're doing sounds foreign to me.
I did a lot of research on this before I got started. Professional bodybuilders seem to think that its very difficult to put on just muscle mass w/o adding weight from fat. The logic goes, that if you want to put on weight, you have to eat 3500-4000 calories (depending on your metabolism). Technically, it is possible to eat that many calories without increasing your fat intake (I tried eating grilled chicken breasts for 6 meals a day) but its really difficult. I got tired of it REALLY REALLY fast.

I was never a 'huge meal' kinda person, so it was pretty hard for me eat that much food to begin with. So I just focused on consuming high amounts of calories and protein with less of an eye towards my fat consumption.

Well, long story short, I now weigh more than I ever have. I have more muscle mass than I ever did, but I also have more fat mass than I ever did. So goal later would be to lose some of the fat, while trying to retain most of the muscle mass. (Folks also think that you can can't just lose fat without losing some muscle mass also).
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