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Old March 27th, 2011, 12:25 AM   #26
Xoulrath sage
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Join Date: May 2010

Motorcycle(s): Current: '11 ZX-6R; Previous: '09 Ninjette; '08 ZX-6R (Ex-Wife '09 TU250X)

Posts: 981
I have some A*'s Knee/Shin Guards and while I am happy with them, especially since they are only $25/pr (last year's price), the two things I can't stand are:
1) The straps are too long, even for me, and I am a fairly large person and;
2) The lack of a strap for ABOVE the knee is irritating, as when I walk they do tend to slide.

In A*'s defense, though, these are intended to be worn with full riding boots at all times, and they give me no issues when I wear my boots. However, for more casual use, I wear my shoes (soon to be replaced with Icon SD4 boots) to ride in to work, I have issues with the knee pads sliding down a bit after I have walked for a while.

Anyway, the design of those knee pads you have gave me an idea. I love the A*'s pads and they are very inexpensive, but offer good protection. I think I may try to find some type of "sock" to pull over them for longer casual rides to help keep the pads in place.

Great review, by the way. I was intrigued by the gear, but I don't believe the pads would fit me.
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