Thread: Ninja Race Prep
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Old April 18th, 2011, 05:51 PM   #162
CVMA / AFM / M1GP #250
Rexbo's Avatar
Name: Steve
Location: Los Angeles
Join Date: Sep 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250r, 2011 Zero S, 2009 KLR 650

Posts: A lot.
ok another race update!

Round 2 at CVMA went REALLY well. Missed out on friday practice, so got to the track saturday morning never having run it before counter clockwise, so not quite sure what to expect. Turns out the track is really fun counter-clockwise, and definitely faster (well at least to me), because all the decreasing radius turns are now increasing radius so you can really just keep the throttle hammered super early on in turns and just power(sorta) your way out of everything.

First practice goes alright but was shortened because of registration issues, spent most of the time trying to figure out the correct lines are, where to brake and where the rough patches are. Second practice gets cut short because of a pretty lame red flag call on the officials part, so by the time qualifying rolls around, I have maybe 3 truly at speed laps on the course. So I decide EFFZ it, I don't know how fast everyone else is here, so I go in 100%. TBH it was probably a bad idea because it was scary as crap. Front and rear tires sliding everywhere, touching toes on the ground, rear wheel chattering & bouncing at every braking zone, definitely overdoing it. But it paid off, I didn't crash and threw down a 2:09 qualifying lap, which was a solid 3-4 sec faster than everyone else, sticking me onto pole!

Rest of the weekend and the races went pretty uneventfully, though sunday race was more fun because Nemesis (john) got the jump on me off the line, so I followed him & some two stroke single cyl vintage bike into turn 2 where he was carrying more corner speed than I was, and was getting ready to take off down the straight and dust me, but he mis-shifted so I was able to keep my drive right on past him where I got stuck behind the two stroke guy for a few more turns, until eventually diving into the bowl inside of him, then the rest of the race was free sailing. For some reason I just clicked with either the bike or this particular track configuration or something, but I was flying, but still keeping some margin for error, posting a best race lap time of 2:12.

We need a bigger field of 250s for sure! You guys need to get out here! Only 4 bikes on the 250 starting grid is sad! Next time I think we're going to bring a kiddie pool because it was so freakin hot out there (mid-90s) and was definitely detrimental to my health. Thanks everyone who made it, and condolences to Peanut for throwing his bike off the track in from eyewitness reports, a fairly spectacular fashion.


Here's lookin at you, kid:

Game on:

Saturday lap 2 entering turn 2, thats me off in front followed by an old man with a broken leg, Nemesis, cheeks and some single cyl vintage bike:

They say ninjas are sneaky:

Those two on the 125gp bikes behind me are like 13 years old and REALLY fast:

FU, wind resistance:

Everyone at the end of the day:

Anyway, it was once again a really fun weekend, and again WE NEED MORE NINJAS ON THE GRID! Come on out if you're even thinking at ALL about it!
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