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Old April 21st, 2011, 11:38 AM   #7
FrugalNinja250 certified postwhore
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I'm betting the SUV was driven by a friend of the cop's. WRT the witnesses, contact all of them immediately and tell them what's happened, and ask them to make notes and write down everything they remember. Do not prompt them or suggest anything to say, only ask them to write down what they remember. Tell them the reason why you don't want to suggest what to write down or suggest anything, that is because you need as original a memory as you can get. Also get the witness contact info to your insurance company pronto, they'll need that to fight the other insurance co.

I can bet the other insurance company is going to try for a comparative judgment, one where you're considered partly at fault and thus have to pay part of his repair costs, and his insurance company will only pay you a portion of you and your GFs costs and bills. A comparative judgment will also open you up for liability for your GFs injuries. Yes, get a lawyer soon. AIM, Aid for Injured Motorcyclists, is a good place to start.

Sorry to hear about this. The lies of the driver and the cop are the reason I don't ride unless my helmet cam is recording. My experience has been that people who cause wrecks lie 100% of the time about what they did. 100%.
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