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Old April 25th, 2011, 06:52 PM   #6
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Unfortunately the bottom end of the EX-250 engine isn't up to the demands your plan will place upon it. It just isn't designed to handle that much horsepower.

Here's a bit of information from the bike's past: There's a man out there named Mike Norman who was known to be an absolute genius with motorcycle engines. He worked for a company called G Force (he may still work for that company, I don't know).

Mike Norman at G Force built race motors adhering to production AFM rules, meaning stock exhaust, airbox, and carbs. Even with these limitations Mike's EX-250 engines developed enough horsepower to easily overwhelm the rather fragile EX250 bottom end. After destroying a large number of cranks and bearings, he eventually (nearly) perfected the process. But they were still small bombs waiting to go off. There is an inherent limit to what you can pump through a Ninja 250, and from hundreds, if not thousands, of dyno runs, Mike would tell you that the upper limit is in the high 30s of rear wheel HP.

A super/turbo/nuke EX-250 would easily exceed that limit (I noticed one of your estimates had this turbo EX-250 engine making 75kw. Holy crap! That's over 100hp). It should also be noted that the (non-super/turbo/atomic) combination of engine tricks Mike developed for his EX-250 G Force racing engines cost thousands of dollars per unit in parts and machine shop hours to implement, including his super-secret tweaks to the oil system that were necessary just to keep it from grenading right away; it wasn't a simple matter of bolting on a few parts or overboring the engine.
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