Thread: tipping
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Old May 24th, 2011, 02:53 PM   #28
Xoulrath sage
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Chris, if you think someone goes to work to make $2.13 an hour to serve others, then you are out of your mind. They go for the incentive of the tip. Hopefully this leads them to serve their customers well, though obviously that isn't always the case.

Same deal for any type of delivery driver. If you really believe they go to work to be a servant to others for $7 dollars an hour, you are out of your mind. The gas cost alone for a typical hour of delivery when I was doing it years ago was almost $3/hr. The gas cost now? More than likely at least double, as that $3 figure goes all the way back to 1.50/gallon gas.

So basically you are saying to me that these people (myself included years ago) go to work to make NO money? You are an economist (or have a Masters in Economy iIrc). What incentive is there for anyone in these fields to go to work? There is none, unless there is a TIP.

I'm not saying I agree with the premise. I would prefer to be charged a bit more for the meal and have the waitstaff paid hourly like most other workers. It just isn't the case. Like I said, if the service sucks, I let the person know and I usually don't tip at all. As far as the 30%, well that just balances out their earnings for the evening against those that tip poorly or not at all.
R.I.P EthioKnight (Alex)
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