Thread: tipping
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Old May 24th, 2011, 03:16 PM   #29
Internet Slut
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Originally Posted by Blackwidow View Post
This weekend I went to get my hair done for a wedding I attended, and the total for my hair came out to 75 bucks, so naturally I gave the hair dresser 80$ and she didn't give me my 5$ back. now I understand that people tip hair dressers and such, but why? If i'm going to a person for hair cutting and their fee is 20$ why am I expected to tip them? They are not doing anything above and beyond what their getting paid to do.

When I go to a restaurant, i go to eat...I tip the server cuz she/he did gave me added service by bringing the food to me, so I understand why a tip would be necessary in this circumstance.

What do you guys think? Are some professions spoiled to the point where they think a tip is a requirement?

What you should have done was make an annoyed noise then said "well i was going to give you a 20 for a tip but since you only want 5 that will work." and waled out.
i am generally an over tipper, mostly because i know how much dealing with the public sucks ass and i feel bad for them, but to just keep it pisses me off, the other is when they give you a **** ton of singles back as change, either because they are worried you wont have any to tip with or to change out all the singles they got for big bills, both reasons annoy the piss out of me.
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