Thread: tipping
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Old May 26th, 2011, 08:17 AM   #38
Liber sage
Name: Chris
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I'm not going to bother quoting. One of the things I hate about discussing this stuff on forums, is so much gets miscommunicated. First off, let me say that whenever I say "you" I don't mean you personally but you generally, as in you me an everyone. I'm well aware my life experiences are different from yours and I don't presume to know everything about everything.

Also, let me say, that I actually agree with you. Tips are part of an incentive system we have in this country that reward people based on performance, and this system works fairly well.

I never said you were an over-tipper. I was using your example as my own example of how tipping different amounts sends signals to the person receiving the tip. It's your money, you can do with it as you please.

What I was getting at is that if the waitress sucks and I give her a 15% tip just because I know she makes less than minimum wage, then that tells her that she did a satisfactory job. It encourages her to perform poorly for the next customer, and so on and so on. Eventually she ends up getting canned because of all the complaints the manager gets by people not so polite. I did her a dis-service because in my pity for her, she will actually lose income in the long run.

You're right. You can make more sitting on your ass getting checks from the government. I said:

I think people will go to a restaurant and serve others for any amount of money that is: A) more than they would get for not working, and B) more than they would get working at any other job they could get.

But yes, I think lots of people will work for $340 a month, but I doubt anyone would really consider making a career out of it. Why? because people satisfied with making $340 a month are high school students who need gas money, college students who need a little extra dough for books or any number of other groups that are pretty much provided for by supplemental income and just want to make a few extra bucks.

Again, you are totally correct and I was never disagreeing with you. No one thinks on a blow for blow basis, they think in averages.

I tip the pizza delivery guy not because he brought me my pizza, I tip him on how he performed his job. Did he get there within 30 minutes of when I was told my pizza would be delivered? If so, I consider it satisfactory and he will probably get 2$ and change for my 10$ pizza. If i have to wait more than an hour past when I was told my pizza would be delivered, I'm getting pissed. I live in a small town, and if it takes you more than an hour to deliver 5 pizzas to different customers, my patience wears thin even though I know I'm last.

Xoul, you are obviously well read, and though I would love to argue with you, I really have nothing to argue with you about, as we are pretty much in agreement.

One of the cornerstones of the culture in the USA is capitalism. Another important thing is that we live in a meritocracy. We believe it is fair and just to reward people for doing a good job and penalize them for doing a bad one. Tipping is a good system for rewarding good work and penalizing bad work. Some people make pretty good money serving at restaurants. At one of the pricier places in town, it's not uncommon for my party of 4 to have a bill well over $200, if not $300. If the waitress did just a satisfactory job, she made $~40 on my table alone. She's making that on top of her full-time day job. That's pretty good money for someone without a college education.

What I can't stand is when a restaurant requires places to pool tips, mainly because I was always the kid that got stuck with the idiots in school projects and I wound up doing all the work

For someone to take a tip without you giving it to them is theft. They will lose my business and I will gladly go around telling people about my experience.
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