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Old May 31st, 2011, 08:09 PM   #116
Lowspeed Lowside
Tightwad Tinker
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Name: Hans
Location: Lexington, Ky
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): '09 Ninja 250R

Posts: 161
MIPS vs. ARM (almost entirely Off-Topic)

When I was a kid, I made my baby steps in assembly programming on the 6502 (e.g. Commodore 64), to which the natural successor was the ARM processor (e.g. Acorn Archimedes), and not the 68000 (e.g. Commodore Amiga). Getting a PIC32 development board was done entirely because of price, and ceteris paribus I would without a doubt have chosen a Cortex (ARM) board. Avoiding branching with conditional execution is so cool! Not only that, but Android devices are based on ARM, so having to learn tricks and pitfalls of yet another instruction set seems like a PITA.

However, the more I read about the MIPS ISA, the more I am amazed at how powerful, beautiful and elegant it is in it's simplicity. Apparently I got lucky, because programming the PIC32 is going to be better than sex[*].

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