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Old June 2nd, 2011, 09:42 PM   #134
Lowspeed Lowside
Tightwad Tinker
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Name: Hans
Location: Lexington, Ky
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): '09 Ninja 250R

Posts: 161
Originally Posted by kamikaze View Post
Firstly, Anyone who is serious about putting together a well made kit probably isn't going to be posting on a message board like this. Now I understand trying to put together a kit on a budget, but a budget kit isn't going to have one off EFI systems with custom homebrew firmwares. I don't know that I'd trust anything like that if I wrote it myself, because I don't have the ability nor the means to test it properly before potentially endangering others by releasing it to them without proper testing.
Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. (Linus' Law)

I think I understand your concerns, but I also think that you're short-selling your abilities. Maybe you have been listening to too many experts telling you that you don't have means or ability. The problem with experts is that their experience helps them to be right considerably more often than wrong. Fortunately, there is irrefutable evidence supporting the claim that experts are not always right.

Originally Posted by kamikaze View Post
Secondly, all your calculations and numbers and other crap to me seem like a way to make yourself seem more credible. That you admitted that you've got a whopping $45 invested in this project with 3 pages of mostly you talking to yourself seems to support this argument.
I think you are getting the wrong impression. I post calculations so that people can check the underlying assumptions and the arithmetic. Nobody is perfect and getting the math wrong is expensive.

FYI, $50 is 5% of the maximum budget. We'll definitely need a microcontroller to record the rate-of-change in crank-shaft RPMs, so that we can substitute expensive dyno-runs, by picking a flat stretch on a road and recording timing deltas with open throttle in 2nd gear. We should even be able to compute absolute rear wheel hp according to E=1/2mv^2 + corrective term for air resistance, which we can compute by doing the same thing in 3rd gear. Even if you don't want a turbo, this can assist you to tune your carburetors properly, without having to rely on the current expert advice to check whether 'it feels like it pulls harder'. Using interpolation you should also be able to choose the right jets, taper, shims and whatnot else with much less effort.

I can see that spending $500 on dyno-runs signals commitment, but unfortunately it also signals a severe lack of creativity and thriftiness, both of which are detrimental to reaching our goal.

Originally Posted by kamikaze View Post
Third, you don't want people to insult you, yet anyone that doesn't agree with you gets **** like this:
I know that was childish (but you started!)

Originally Posted by kamikaze View Post
I'm telling you, straight up, that I believe that someone with 10 years experience with forced induction is someone you might want to listen to. You are a self proclaimed n00b according to your first post. 10 years real world experience (even if he blew up every motor he boosted) vs your internet research is no contest.
All the experts with 10 years of experience claim it cannot be done, not by me or anybody else. Why should anybody listen to them if a successful attempt means that they were wrong?

Therefore, it's entirely logical to ignore those who excel at flashing credentials, yet fail to provide a single non-fallacious argument why the attempt cannot be successful.

Isn't reasoning fun?

Originally Posted by kamikaze View Post
If you honestly believe that you can do better with $45 and ~6 hours of internet research then I'm sure there's a boatload of NHRA teams (amongst other people) that would love for you work for them because you must be a genius.
With those constraints I don't qualify as a genius. I probably average about six hours of research for every post in this thread, which means that I have $45 and approximately 250 hours invested into the project.

Originally Posted by kamikaze View Post
Good luck in your endeavor. I'm not religious in the least, but god be with anyone that tests this contraption, cause when it fails at 140mph in a corner cause someone forgot a semicolon in their custom firmware it's going to hurt. A LOT.
You have the same problem running OEM firmware, with the big difference that you're forced to trust the OEM, because it's very difficult to verify whether the firmware doesn't have serious bugs and in many cases it's even illegal to reverse-engineer because of copyright restrictions.
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