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Old June 3rd, 2011, 04:25 AM   #137
Lowspeed Lowside
Tightwad Tinker
Lowspeed Lowside's Avatar
Name: Hans
Location: Lexington, Ky
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): '09 Ninja 250R

Posts: 161
Originally Posted by Racer x View Post
So now. You are going to Test on the street. Does your budget include legal fees and towing?
Yes, it includes all legal fees and towing, which I expect to be $0

The stock gearing ratio for 2nd gear is 34/19, the stock final drive ratio is 14/45, so with stock 130/70/17 tires the speed at 12500 rpm is 50.6 mph.
The stock gearing ratio for 3rd gear is 31/22, the stock final drive ratio is 14/45, so with stock 130/70/17 tires the speed at 12500 rpm is 64.3 mph.

I can do the measurements during my commute to work, which means data collection is free. Another advantage is that timing advances will have to be made in a conservative fashion (probably around 10us), which means that putting a hole in my piston will remain an unlikely event. It will be very rewarding to study the diminishing marginal increase of power vs. the increasing amount of unexplained variance in engine noise.

For example, if an advance by 10us si predicted to increase power by 1%, but we predict an increase in variance by 1000%, we know that we're so much more likely to blow a hole in our piston, that it's not worth trying. According to my calculations, 1% more power should translate into a difference of approximately 0.6 mph at 122mph.

Originally Posted by rusninja View Post
44 bucks commited? I have spent about 350 bucks on safety gear when i have no job and just a dream of getting my little ninja even when my parents try to talk me out of wanting a motorcycle. :S
Until now I spent about the same amount of money on the bike as I have spent on gear, although at any one time the gear I'm wearing is only about $1,000.

Originally Posted by rusninja View Post
Putting things on paper isnt really concidered a build, so unless you have the money you claim it costs to build the turbo for the 250. You are not commited :S
At present I don't even know the final cost, but I do know that if I go out now and spend the remaining $955.64 (which I have earmarked), and need to order a $0.02 resistor later on, then I didn't build it for under $1,000.

It you want to help, please take a look at the list of required materials. For example, we'll need plastic male/female connectors for the electronics, preferably with different characteristics. I can buy a pair for $1, but if you can locate a supplier selling them by the pound for $20 please post the link. We'll also need heat resistant silicone tubing, worm-drive clamps, exhaust piping (or a substitute), etc. I've found piezoelectic pressure sensors (0-29 psi) 5 for $20, but if you can find a supplier that sells them for $3 we might have only saved $1, but saving 25% on everything leaves $250 unallocated, which means we can afford higher grade materials.

Originally Posted by rusninja View Post
also i would not go pokeing fun at people with experience, when all you have is your opinion if you do ever get around to investing your money into a turbo no one you insulted will want to give you any advice.
It's a two-way street.

At present people are pokeing fun at me, so I take your argument to mean that once I gain experience I shouldn't give any advice to anybody who insulted me.

Not my style.

Adding code to display the following pop-up after you turn off the ignition is:
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