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Old June 23rd, 2011, 04:50 AM   #28
CmichRider member
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Name: Jacob
Location: Michigan
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2000 Ninja 250

Posts: 227
The key to the box really is turning your head, I can't say how many times my coaches told me "look up and turn your head!". I guess they take points off on the test if you don't also.

The box is also worth relatively fewer points than the rest of the tests, as it is a "convenience maneuver" and not safety, like the sudden brake or the 135 degree turn. BTW!...don't pass the blue line on the final exercise on the test (135 degree turn), if you pass the line, they see it as going into oncoming traffic and you get major points off.

This is all just stuff I gathered while talking to people at my MSF, so take it with a grain of salt..I don't think grading varies by state but who knows.
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