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Old July 2nd, 2011, 07:38 PM   #41
Suave member
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Name: Mark
Location: Maryville, Tennessee
Join Date: Jun 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2008 Ninja 250r

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Originally Posted by almost40 View Post
What the hell right?? Another 30 bucks and your done.

To the other point going in this thread.

Want to NOT be associated with the squid population in your area.
GEAR UP. Squids dont wear any.
Ask a cop. They can spot a squid coming down the road for that sole reason.

Look at it this way
When you see a group of Harleys going down the road and they all have bandanas and are wearing the dirty club jacket. What do you think??? BIKERS---the kind you dont mess with.
Same bikes, same group, all wearing expensive gear and helmets What do you think??? Motorcyclist-------- without a death wish.
Same principal in sportbikes.
$30? dang, that would pay for itself in gas in a week if it drops rpms so drastically... I was doing 75mph today on the autobaun (Pelladega Parkway; also I was behind the slow guy!) i looked down and if I remember correctly I was doing about 10k on the tach. i end up doing a lot of highway riding as people are going to knoxville to hang in the summer. But that highly-valued gas mileage disappears when you spend 20 mintues there and back revving that high.

On the note of squids: I saw a guy on an r6 today- shorts, no shirt, flip flops. he saw me and wanted to show-off, I suppose, and did a wheelie right in front a cop lol the street lit up blue and I couldn't stop laughing
"Hey man, I'm not tryin' to start nothin'. But... i wouldn't take that"
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