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Old March 11th, 2009, 06:24 AM   #23
jonb08 member
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Name: Jon
Location: Long Island, NY
Join Date: Mar 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2007 EX250

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Originally Posted by Verus Cidere View Post
I like the way it sounds, but I'm still not completely sure. I've heard the same type of samples for the Yoshis and I really don't like the way those sound. My only beef with the youtube stuff is it's still really hard to tell exactly how loud it is. I have upsides and downsided for it. If it is as loud as Jon's saying it is, I'd prefer not to have tickets. But I like the look, the sound, and the possibility of not only being much more noticeable (which is always a plus, especially in my city where nobody knows how to drive at all) and a bit more able to get out of the way is a definite upside. Another thing is, I like to listen to music while I ride and usually play it just loud enough that I can barely hear it over wind noise going around 80 mph on the highway. When going around that speed, how loud is the exhaust compared to wind noise? If it's not too bad, I can deal with it if I have the music. Still not sure though..... Area P hurry up already and give me another stinkin' choice!
Too bad it's been so cold. I'm having trouble remembering what the exhaust noise was in comparison to wind on the highway. One thing that should be considered is the quality of the helmet. Some helmets are known for high levels of wind noise while others do a good job reducing it. Helmets also block out other noise as well.
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