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Old July 8th, 2011, 09:36 AM   #33
almost40 Monkey Spank
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Name: Kevin
Location: Illinois
Join Date: Apr 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2008 250R Track-Bike Woodcraft clip-ons and rearsets FZ-6 track bike

Posts: A lot.
I understand what your saying Flashmonkey but 95% of the riders out there cant push the stock 250 suspension beyond its limit. They push the bike beyond their own skill limit, not the suspensions. Proper form pays HUGE dividends along with being SMOOTH.
An Advanced group rider (like myself) on a 250 with a stock supension (like mine) will run circles around a 600ss with trick suspension in Intermediate group. I know, Ive done it, many many times. It all boils down to the rider and his skill level. The bikes suspension in stock form is PLENTY capable and on par with any 600 for 95% of the riders out there.
I see those guys at every trackday I attend, They talk like they are fast. Then you nearly a$$ pack them in the corner because they really have no IDEA what the machine they are riding is capable of. My best friend rides an 07 R6. His machine will outperform my 04 FZ in every way. I run a second and a half faster every lap. WHY?? Im alot smoother than he is and more in tune with my bikes limit. When I take his bike onto the track I shave 3/4 of a second off MY lap times compared to my FZ without even trying. Is he a bad rider?? NO. He just doesnt know how far he can take his ability.(which he has plenty of)
Black 250R
Full Area P QC
Dyno Jet Kit 100 main 41T Rear Sprocket
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