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Old July 10th, 2011, 10:23 AM   #22
Cranky Old Fart
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Name: TXJ
Location: TX
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): 08 DRZ400SM

Posts: 189
I take a long rural road everyday that's a two lane, posted 40MPH for about 12 miles. I've had a lot of impatient drivers, tailgaters, texters, pretty much whatever you can think of on that road behind me. If someone behind me is making me uncomfortable, as soon as I can pull off (someones driveway, large gravel shoulder, whatever) I just let them pass.

This road is very twisty, it's kind of funny because drivers will tailgate me at 45 up to a corner, then brake to take the corner and create a nice gap since I maintain speed if not roll on the throttle a bit then coast back down to my regular speed. Instead of maintaining that gap, they speed up to 50-55 so they can tailgate me again. I don't get it.

It almost makes as much sense as getting ahead of everyone from a stop light, maintaining your speed for a good 10+ seconds only to see the guy who was beside you come flying by at 10-20MPH faster then you're going.
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