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Old July 11th, 2011, 08:47 AM   #44
Name: Bob
Location: SoCal
Join Date: Dec 2010

Motorcycle(s): Guess....

Posts: 556
Any bike can work as a commuter. Don't confuse that question with "Which do you think is the best commuter?"

I see people on much bigger bikes commuting every day. Really all they do though, is get in my way. Lane splitting is an art, and far too many of the people on SS bikes don't know how to do it. Either that or their bike is too wide, or they're just too scared. No matter, they seriously end up clogging the line between cars when they stop. With the 250, I usually just go around a car and move into the next line over. Of course, once the green light comes, they blow by me at 60+ to show how manly they are.
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