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Old July 15th, 2011, 04:15 PM   #1
Jordan91 member
Name: Jordan
Location: Rocklin
Join Date: Jul 2010

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Posts: 56
wanting to move up to a 600cc sport bike, but i have a small issue...

Like the title says, Im wanting to sell my bike to get a 600cc sportbike. The problem is, i am vertically challenged. Im comfortable on my 2008 ninja, Im 5'3'' and i can get the balls of my feat down on both sides. My friend has a triumph tt6 and im on my very tippy toes when i sit on that and he is uncomfortable to let me ride it for that reason.

Does anyone know of any 600cc sport bikes that have lower seats? I hear some have narrower seats which makes it easier to touch. If anyone knows of any of these i would appreciate it if you let me know. Ive also heard about lowering bikes and shaving seats, but right now im trying to find a low one that i wouldnt have to do too much lowering or seat shaving to.

Thanks in advance
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