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Old July 22nd, 2011, 09:04 AM   #14
adri99an certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by Alex View Post
Adrian, I could not disagree more with your prior post. From its attitude, to what you think you learned from your crash, to the inevitability of having to crash to actually learn something.

A crash is a demonstration of bad judgment. There is no valid excuse for it, there is no explanation that makes everything OK, and doing so without gear is only further evidence that the rider isn't taking things seriously. Either they are ignorant of the risks, or they incorrectly choose to ignore the risks.

We all have free will and there's nobody on this forum or anywhere else that can "make" anyone choose anything other than what they prefer. But the whole point of this site is to make sure that people who choose to learn the proper way to go about this sport have an opportunity to do so.

There is no conflict between having empathy for people who have hurt themselves, and also thinking that they are completely clueless for having done so.
Alex this is what's great about any GOOD Forum...we can agree and disagree with one another. We can offer our own insight and opinions about such matters and do it in a respectful way.

What I'm looking for with this gentleman that crashed is what he can teach me about his mistake. Lesson 1 = ATGATT. We all have our 2 cents, we all have our opinions based on prior history in to agree or disagree is always welcomed. I think emphathy goes a long way...he knows he made a mistake...he feels the pain of it...he'll always remember....and so what can he teach this forum? Crashing enlightens one to just how serious motorcycle riding is.
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