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Old July 24th, 2011, 03:20 PM   #47
EsrTek certified postwhore
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Name: Eric
Location: Murfreesboro, TN
Join Date: Jun 2011

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The DB does not create the barrier you see behind a touring screen, although they do have a bigger model that probably would start to see that.
I find the DB really has only changed that the air from the windscreen is not hitting me directly in the chest/upper shoulders now. Which gave me the feeling of always being pushed off the bike at 70+ (no tucking).
With the DB the air hit about the curve in forehead of helmet, made it a lot easier to turn my head to look behind me, saves some RPM's/gas. Also, In full tuck I can still feel air coming in from my visor, which stays cracked at defog level at all times cause the airflow sucks, but the air is not as turbulent as it was w stock screen in full tuck.

I really think the DB type screen is what should've came on the bike, it is that much better.
My replies are intended for street riding only, plz do not provide track only replies.

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