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Old July 25th, 2011, 07:11 AM   #104
Honko sage
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Originally Posted by N Ja View Post
Not to mention delusional.

Your 'opinion' of 'motorcycling community at large' does not nearly describe the motorcycling community in the world.
In reality, majority of motorcycling community worldwide do not have motorcycles, traffic patterns nor roads that allow travel speeds that exceed much more than 50-60 kph.

Among the members of this forum, your opinion may be true, we all speed and likely have nicely paved roads that allow us to ride aggressively beyond our abilities. But do not assume that to be the rest of the world. Most motorcycle riders worldwide, can not afford to have a helmet let along ride ATGATT.

Of course, if you have never ridden your motorcycle or motorcycle travel outside of your own country, you would never know what 'motorcycling community at large' really consist of minority of riders who ride with helmet.

When common sense of riding/driving cautiously, following traffic laws and maintain a safe traveling distance according to your speed is out the window, of course you rely on wearing gear to 'survive' in case of an accident.
But accidents are not likely to occur in the first place if most people just do as mentioned. Gears only work when accidents occur.

IMO, that's like saying 'loud pipes save lives', imagine what paying attention and knowing how to avoid accidents would do?

BTW, I see "A" answered quite a few of Alex's questions, but Alex S have failed to answer questions about his own post/accident.. what's the deal?
Thank you for reinforcing my opinion.
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