Thread: Kawasaki card??
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Old August 26th, 2011, 12:46 PM   #29
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Ah well here's some new bike porn from two different dealers.
Always fun looking at the pretty bikes.
So close but no cigar today.

Somebody gonna let me have another one, one of these days.

Uhhhh, YUM! 2011 did you well baby.

Look how all the frame and swingarm are lightly tinted blue

The Kawi's are weird with the mono air intake going through the head tube like that but I'd probably take one and paint it like a GSXR anyways. Funky front turn signals too.


Would love one of those puppies.

this one would have done just fine..

But out of all these beautiful bikes

...and the ones I really want

This is the one they want to sell me.
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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