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Old September 5th, 2011, 01:06 PM   #3
aweesner member
Name: Andrew
Location: Boston
Join Date: Jul 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2004 Ninja 250

Posts: 28
Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
smoke is never good... I would start by checking to make sure you have coolant and a radiator and it didn't just all drop out or something... Make sure its not drenched in oil from something busting through, or out of your engine or something... Take a look at your spark plugs and make sure they're still there... Still got gas? Does it make any backfire when you try to start it? Does the exhaust smell of gas when you try to start it? Any odd electrical issues when you flick the bike on? Was it raining that morning? Was your bike wet? Could there be water in the airbox?
thanks for your help...i got the back started but only when i put on the throttle as i start it but it wont idle and dies unless i am on the gas.

I don't see any leaks of oil, coolant or anything else.

There is a gas smell and the exhaust sounds lound and very "poppy" sort of like a back fire. It hasn't rained around hear for a few days and i haven't noticed any strange electrical issues.
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