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Old September 6th, 2011, 02:07 AM   #286
Done here.
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Join Date: Jul 2011

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EDIT: Oops. Haha. Note to self: read whole thread first.

My mom has no idea I have a bike. I'm 28. She lives in Turkey so no problem hiding it.

My brother did the same for the year and a half he owned his cbr600rr. He sold it. My mom still doesn't know about it. He's 34.

It's not about them allowing us to buy, obviously. She knows damn well I'll do whatever I want. We just don't want to worry her. She'd literally call me everyday to see I'm ok if she knew I have a bike. This is very normal for a caring mother. Our close family friend dying in a motorcycle accident doesn't help the case.

If you can manage taking it to a storage place every single day you ride, go for it. I don't see how you won't grow tired of it. It's a big pain in the a$$ and not at all practical. Also an unnecessary fee out of your pocket...

So my opinion, it's ok to hide it from your mom because I do believe that you're as responsible as I am and in reality, you're protecting her. But I say don't buy yet because I'm pretty sure you'll grow tired of parking away from your place everyday and it'll be a burden on your conscience unlike me and my brother because of our living situation.
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