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Old September 7th, 2011, 12:51 PM   #298
toofast newbie
Name: Paul
Location: S. Cal
Join Date: Aug 2011

Motorcycle(s): none yet

Posts: 8
Maybe if you have to sneak around and do thing's behind your mommy's back that may be your first indication as to your level of maturity? I don't sneak around or have to prove myself with a motorcycle to anyone. I try to not be a poser and be honest about who I am. I did not do good in highschool and have to pay for that by going to a lame community college. My dad and I don't get along so I support myself. I work in a lame warehouse for a lame $12.00 an hour, barely have any money, and probably suck compared to a lot of you on bike, and I can not afford to do all the fancy mods or even get a bike yet (and I really want one) because I want to be a lawyer and transfer to a real college or university and have to sacrifice to keep my priorities in life. I am lame with women and don't have a girlfriend but I am an honest decent person working towards goals in life and hope some girl will see that some day. Someday I hope I can get a car as my main transportation and as hobby a super cool bike like a GSX-R or even one of the Italian bikes. But I will probably have to start with a 250 as that's all I can remotely see affording. I doubt I can even get a car for a while!

My mom never had a problem with me owning a motorcycle. That's because she was killed in a car crash about 5 years ago and she never had the chance to tell me not to buy a motorcycle. I would literally trade my sight, hearing, sense of taste, whatever, or my right arm, or anything I own or will own to have my mom back to yell at me not to own a bike. I am lucky in that no one is telling me not to get a bike right now in my life. But am I?

Some of you would trade in you relationship with you mother's or families for a Ninja 250? Seriously? And some of you moved out and are all on your own because of a Ninja 250? Do you know how much harder life is without a family and on your own(unless your family abuses you or steals from you or something like that)?!
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