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Old September 10th, 2011, 07:45 PM   #15
Zombiphone's Avatar
Name: Tiffani
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Join Date: Oct 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250r (Racebike), 2015 FZ-07(Tourer), 2001 KX65(LOL bike)

Posts: A lot.
If you find yourself getting bored riding ANY motorcycle, you're doing it wrong.

I bought a pre-gen at the beginning of 2009, rode it for 6 months to learn on, then I sold it to upgrade to the strikingly sexy current gen. So I've had my second 250 for about 2 years now. Both on the track and on the street, I have never at any point felt it was boring. That's not to say you should never get any other bike, but "boring" won't be the reason you do.

I'll probably be getting rid of mine when someone pries it from my cold dead fingers (Unless that happens AFTER the zombie apocalypse. In which case, my cold dead fingers will still be on the throttle, and everyone can just back the hell off).
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