Thread: The big brother
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Old September 12th, 2011, 08:35 PM   #36
Xoulrath sage
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Motorcycle(s): Current: '11 ZX-6R; Previous: '09 Ninjette; '08 ZX-6R (Ex-Wife '09 TU250X)

Posts: 981
Cody, in addition to what Cuong said, I would re-emphasize the throttle control issue. You may think it isn't throttle control, but once the bike is leaned, throttle controls it. Aside from very minor steering inputs, the throttle sets the weight distribution and allows the suspension to do its job. There is a great thread on cornering in the Rider Skills section with some solid advice from Misti, who teaches at Keith Code's Superbike School.

I mean no disrespect with this post, but the first step to getting better is realizing there may be a problem. I don't know how you ride, but I critique every little thing I do on every ride I take. I realize that is more an OCD thing with me than something everyone does. I just like to be as good as I can at anything I enjoy. Even so, you can always learn something every time you ride if you choose to. The problems come in when you feel as though you can't learn anything else. I was never smarter in life than the day I realized I would never know everything.

Good luck with the bike. Be safe.
R.I.P EthioKnight (Alex)
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