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Old September 13th, 2011, 08:59 AM   #97
Newb..... on a steeek! :D
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Name: Mike
Location: Windermere, FL
Join Date: Feb 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster Superlow

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Well your reaction to "just so you know" is more of a personal issue than anything else. All people have little triggers that just set them. I wasn't being anything when I was trying to say you are over-analyzing this.

Sometimes the calculations and mathematics of physics are just not practical or necessary for normal everyday use. In this case we are talking about a factor that is negligible compared to the benefits. You roll in with a report explaining the science of something most won't ever notice in use. Therefore it just really isn't practical or needed.

If you were explaining this to a group of engineers or physicists to discuss the fractions of a second difference in performance of this tire vs that tire in a scientific or racing environment that would be different. But in this case that information is not really going to mean much to anyone for practical everyday purposes.

No one is really going to notice the difference in acceleration from the demons compared to the stock tires. They will however feel a difference in traction, grip, and cushion. These are things that are more of a concern for daily street use.

I don't know what generation/upbringing you are from, nor you I, so to bring that up is also not needed here. Saying that you personally get rubbed the wrong way by someone saying "just so you know" is better than getting snippy with them. Just so you know.
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