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Old September 15th, 2011, 07:49 AM   #13
You are sleeping
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Name: Casey
Location: LMFAO!!!
Join Date: Nov 2009

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Thank goodness man!
I can't take anymore crash scene input.

Glad you are OK.

That's another thing about these "serious bikes".
The rake will buck you in a heartbeat if you can't ride it.
Have to be ready and know what to do in ever situation, and do it like second nature, or the ground is coming!

A tank slapper is a serious thing to have to deal with at speed. No joke, that's for sure. I'm very glad I was able to learn from it when it happened to me before it killed me at 90mph on the freeway myself. Of course I was playing around again while doing a type of riding I knew not how to do when that happened. On my first GSXR.. the 99 SRAD. Racing other bikes on the freeway with LOCKED arms because it was my first time racing anyone on any bike and I was freaked out leaned over (before I could lean) doing 90 on a bumpy freeway. Bike did a CRAZY gyration like you wouldn't believe. I shot across all four lanes of traffic uncontrollably. If I didn't let go, it would have killed me for sure. Bars were going back and fourth to the steering limiter at 2 times per second or faster. "Slapping the tank".

Gotta ease up on her when she gets crazy and abosorb it.

One thing about this spanking new 750 is is has an electronically controlled steering damper onboard.. stock

I'm not going to have to upgrade or change a single thing on the bike but a tank protector and some comfy new grips. Maybe some spools so I can throw her in the stands for the break in oil changes. I found a promotion coupon to score the tail cover free that matches the simulated carbon pieces. Sexy curves!
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.

Last futzed with by ninja250; September 15th, 2011 at 09:30 AM.
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