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Old September 19th, 2011, 02:38 PM   #66
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Name: Casey
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Join Date: Nov 2009

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the frame sliders on these bikes attach to the engine mount bolts and frame and such.

It's my opinion, after hearing from a few racers and myself from my ninja crash that flipped it onto the tail from the frame sliders I think... bending the tail end...
That it's better to use your plastics as the frame sliders instead of putting on frame sliders that flip the bike and help to bend and break your frame. That is, at high speed.
Low speed, frame sliders are great. But you won't do too much damage to your bike at low speed either ey? So I'm going to leave the sliders off.

Where is that picture 2wheelguy put up a year or so ago?
GSXR with a busted frame at the engine mount from a frame slider!
He said he watched the bike crash and it should have been fine but the slider busted the frame and wasted the bike.

went and picked up the loser's manual (user's manual for those who didn't pick up on it) and an oil change from the stealership today. Time to learn what everything does on the bike. Then get to drop the plastics and see her nakey for the first time
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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