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Old September 21st, 2011, 03:00 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
As soon as I get my CCW permit I do plan on concealed carry, but I'll need something smaller to carry, a Para Ordnance P14 isn't easy to conceal.

California still has legal Open Carry don't they?

As long as you have a clean record you can legally carry a gun out in the open as long as the chamber & magazine are empty, and you can carry full magazines elsewhere on your person.

There were (or still are) plans on changing that but I don't know if they ever went through. I hope it doesn't get changed because California had the country's highest firearm homicide rate for 2009. Other states with looser laws had MUCH lower rates, Vermont had ZERO.

Given the sheer amount of paranoia in California about guns, if you do Open Carry, plan on getting the cops called on you more often than the true bad guys, and plan on getting stopped for a "12031 Check" on a regular basis. As videos on youtube show, some cops are better about that check than others, some are just downright abusive about it treating you like the lowest slime on the face of the planet, while others walk up and talk calmly like actual humans.

I also suggest carrying a recording device with you at all times while you open carry, some cops are not beyond bending the situation to their favor to force an arrest where none is warranted. If you get stopped for a 12031 check, NEVER touch or reach for your gun, let them do it. Reaching for it gives them reason to escalate the situation, and that's a bad thing.
Youre right you CAN get them here its just pretty hard. My dad has been looking at getting one and from what I understand you need a law enforcement endorsement, a reason, fees, and then maybe get one... correct me if I'm wrong someone... It seems simple enough, but getting an endorsement is pretty hard as they are basically accountable for you now.. So most officers do not want to do that. The only reason my dad could and would most likely get it is because his buddy is the chief of police in the neighboring town, and he would do that for him...

Someone like me? get outta here. No way I could ever get one EVEN though I have NO record and have never even gotten a ticket, Im 24 so Im dangerous, even though Im married and have a 3 year old son at home, who Id like to come home to every night...

Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
Nope, the UK's crime rates are soaring worse than ever, the 2 million cameras didn't work, the dual gun bans didn't work, their gun death rate has more than DOUBLED in the last decade...

Some of their crime rates are higher than the USA's.....

Assault Victims 133% higher in the UK
Bribe payers 16% higher in the UK
Car thefts per capita 44% higher in the UK
Drug offenses 326 times higher in the UK
Rape victims 125% higher in the UK
Software piracy rate 30% higher in the UK
Total Crimes per capita 7% higher in the UK
Total crime victims 25% higher in the UK

Their police and politicians have gone a complete 180 on how things should be. They've got teenage kids running around free on the streets with 30+ criminal convictions, but anyone who defends themselves from those criminals gets YEARS in prison.

They've even got a "certain Radical group" openly plotting to overthrow the Queen & Parliament, in public, ON CAMERA (multiple counts of High Treason) and they're not doing anything about it.
Perhaps those certain radical groups should over throw the govt. as long as they arent those insane jihadists that want that sharia law bullshit...

Thats where we are heading and it is appalling. (I mean we are heading in the direction of the UK)
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