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Old September 24th, 2011, 07:01 PM   #14
There's a limit to s2pdty
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Name: A.D.
Location: NoVa the burg
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): 250r ninja (sold)

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It is very easy to lock up the ninjette's rear tire, why? because the ninjette is really light.

here's what I do:

Emergency stop. I close my throttle, I gently apply the rear brake(to slow down, not to stop) while pulling the clutch in and then I use my front brake to stop. I also make sure that I'm at an upright position/straight body and looking forward. I've read this from the study that I found here on ninjette, some guy posted on some thread.

Emergency "slow down" and evade. I use the same technique as my "emergency stop" but I control the clutch and I make sure I'm at the right gear so I can speed off to safety. (I used this technique a couple of times, practicing my emergency stopping skills saved my ass a couple of times from cagers too. )

Slowing down for a turn. I use my front brakes (Like Rossi does)

Slowing down to yield. I use my rear break + clutch control + front break if I need to stop.

@ leed I'm still looking for the thing, but I can't seem to find it.
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