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Old September 28th, 2011, 10:26 AM   #9
That rider dude.
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Name: Eric
Location: Orlando, Fl.
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2011 White Ninja 250 SE.

Posts: A lot.
Lol. I enjoyed the read, but not the situation. Glad to hear you're ok though and that the bike is alive. Perhaps it didnt start up right away for you because the engine was flooded? If I've read right, usually when it's flooded it wont start up, so having it up right for a while let the engine drain. But, I know nothing.

I like how you had a "bruised ego" yet still danced and did yoga on the side of the road while you waited. Lol. You should've done it in full gear while people passed. I found myself dancing in full gear the other day at Mcdonalds with a bunch of friends in the parking lot. Needless to say, there were looks, but it was fun lol.

But like I said, glad your ok, and glad to see the bike will live to see another day x-)
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