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Old October 7th, 2011, 02:27 AM   #17
Mazakawi member
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Name: Ryan
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2010 Ninja 250R

Posts: 159
Originally Posted by JLinde1339 View Post
My ninjette was repainted by a PO to flat black, modified exhaust, totally de-badged. I stopped at a local gas station for a bottle of water, and a dude pulled up in the spot next to mine and said "nice bike....wh..what? Is that a ninja? Is it a 600?". I said yes, its a ninja, but its only a 250. He said "wow, pretty cool. I gave up riding cuz of other people. Drivers are idiots, and the kids in my neighborhood always kept trying to throw footballs at me as I rode up the street.". I just chuckled and said "yeah, you gotta watch out for the idiots". LOL
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When they throw the foot ball at you you should stop. Get off your bike, pick up the football and beam one in the side of the head. That should teach them to not do it anymore.

I had some little kids throw rocks at my truck one day when I drove past them. Pretty sure they **** their pants when I locked the brakes and floored it in reverse towards them. They disappeared by the time I got out.

I don't care how mean it may seem but things like that are jsut unacceptable. I'm 21 and whe nI was a kid I never would've thought of throwing stuff at moving cars. Not sure why kids seem to think it's ok to damage stuff that belongs to others.
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