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Old October 18th, 2011, 05:23 PM   #37
OGjackafidy member
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Name: Jack
Location: columbia MO
Join Date: Jun 2011

Motorcycle(s): Red 2009 Ninja 250r

Posts: 132
I don't think you understand. You will drop your bike. I did the 2nd day I had it. It is the worst feeling ever and I bought it used for 3300. If you buy a new one at 5500 and drop it your out at least 2500 dollars and at minimum wage that's 333 hours worth of work down the drain. The math just doesn't make sense to me and looking 2500 if you drop that is a generous number. Most bikes around here that have Ben dropped go for 250 or less. that makes no sense your are just wasting money you could invest in gear or your next bike.2500 to 3 grand is not worth a couple of germs and the even worse feeling when you drop it and realize the mistake you made buying new. It makes no sense to me for a 15 year old to spend serious money like that. I'm just looking out for you because ive been through that. less.
"The goal in life is to die young at a very old age"
" Four wheels moves the body, two wheels moves the soul'
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