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Old October 27th, 2011, 07:28 PM   #8
Xoulrath sage
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Location: U.S.
Join Date: May 2010

Motorcycle(s): Current: '11 ZX-6R; Previous: '09 Ninjette; '08 ZX-6R (Ex-Wife '09 TU250X)

Posts: 981
I agree with those who say riding is practice. Obviously you are reinforcing what you do, so if you only commute on a straight road with light traffic, it isn't much help. If you have mixed riding conditions like I do, commuting and ripping up back roads, then you would be amazed at how much practice you can get in a typical ride.

I constantly practice roll-ons/offs; maintenance throttle; smooth, gradual braking; looking through corners; turning as fast as possible for the turn; panic braking at lights with little to no traffic; the list just goes on and on.

I also work my slow speed moves often. I know I have to freak people out with not putting my foot down. There is a three way stop I have to go through four times a week on the way to and from school. I usually have to travel about 1/8 of a mile through traffic waiting to get through the intersection. My foot never touches the ground unless there is an officer around or someone looks shifty when I start to leave the sign.
R.I.P EthioKnight (Alex)
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