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Old October 31st, 2011, 11:32 AM   #59
Ytse Frobozz
Not dead yet!
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Name: Rob
Location: Marlborough MA
Join Date: Apr 2010

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250R

Posts: 315
I'm Allstate's Mayhem this year! I already had a two piece black suit, so I bought a black vest at Macy's for $50 (looks pretty sharp, actually), some butterfly closure bandages (they were hard to find), and a $7 make-up kit from Walgreen's to make the cuts and bruises and whatnot. Oh, and I also got some white felt/foam sheets and cut out the letters for STATE to pin to the back of my suit, so I can be your lucky team flag. We've been through fourteen seasons together, but in flag years, I'm about a hundred and thirty...

I already wore the costume for a friend's birthday party, which was at a billiard hall. Some people thought I was just really well-dressed and had been in a fight/car accident, but most people got it. I'll wear it again when I hand out candy on the 3rd (trick or treating postponed due to that friggin' snowstorm). Since it's mostly just a suit, it's pretty comfortable as long as I remember not to touch my face.
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