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Old November 10th, 2011, 01:38 PM   #1
Crriiissss member
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Name: Cristian
Location: Look behind you
Join Date: Aug 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja Thunder Blue(sold), 2004 Suzuki GS500f(sold), 2006 Ninja 250, 2013 Ninja 300 SE

Posts: 70
My friend dropped my bike! and doesn't know why..

Well I'm here at work and my gf tells me that she's going to practice riding on my bike with her brother (who also has a 250). So I'm like ok, enjoy, and just ride carefully. My gf didn't want to risk dropping my bike at all so she tells her brother to ride mine and she'll ride his. An hour after she said she was going to go practice, she called me and said her brother dropped my bike! I couldn't really talk much since I was busy at work so I only got little info on what happened. According to her brother, the bike just locked up and I'm guessing he fell off forward and the bike fell on the floor. I also heard him saying over the phone that there must be something wrong with my gear box? He said he didn't brake or do anything out of the ordinary so he doesn't really know what caused the bike to just lock. He's also a new rider along with me and my gf but hes had his bike since May and ride it almost every single day. I bought the bike used in August and put about 1000 miles on it and have never had a problem with it since than and we changed the oil less than 50 miles ago. Any ideas on what might have happened?

Btw my friend is fine, my gf said he just rolled a little but got up right away. I'm not upset or anything just glad he's ok, and hopefully my bike isn't as scratched up when i get home
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