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Old November 11th, 2011, 03:45 PM   #68
jd254 member
Name: United States
Location: Jersey City
Join Date: Oct 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2010 Ninja 250R

Posts: 31
I'm back with new info!

that was only a 10 min ride, and 3 cars ran a redlight, one nearly took me out. that b1tch swerved to the right and went to the street parking area to avoid hitting me. the other two fumb ducks will being getting their tickets in the mail. the traffic cam def. caught both of them.

so I went back and did practiced counter steering. The response was much faster but I'm not gaining much horizontal movement. I'm moving maybe only 1 or 1.5 feet to the right or left only. If I drop my hips like I said... I can easily move 3 feet to the right or left instantly. should I practice more?

and the turning and accelerating... wtf? I'm not getting it. I'm entering the turn at the perfect speed. If I lean... I turn exactly where I want to go. If I need more speed, I simply accelerate. I did what you guys said.... I enter the turn... accelerate VERY little through the entire turn... I'm crossing the double solid lines now since I'm obviously going to fast. I need this reexplained.

So here is what happened and why I fell.

I stood there for a good 5 mins staring at the road... Trying to analyze it. Then I tilt my head a little and noticed there was a mirage effect going on. If you look at it from the top down, it looks like a perfectly normal road. If you lower yourself, you can see that after years of use, the road is depressed from the wheels of millions of cars driving over it daily. I would say that was it was depressed on both sides by a maximum of 1 inch. As I turned about 15 degrees, the front wheel probably followed the depression, causing the wheel to twist at a 45 degree angle, bike stopped, I flew, bike fell.

of course.. I did what I did on Cris's bike twice today on my bike... and nothing happened... but I do have brand spanking new tires...
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