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Old April 7th, 2009, 08:42 AM   #1
weekend rider
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Name: JC
Location: Central IL
Join Date: Dec 2008

Motorcycle(s): '05 Ninja 250

Posts: 87
HOT weather helmet ideas?

My sister-in-law lives in India, in an area where it reaches 115-120°F in the summer ("but it's a dry heat", they say ... ). Actually this spring it's already 115°F, so who knows how hot it will get! Nobody wears a helmet because of the heat. Mostly they just wrap a scarf around their heads (to avoid dust and heatstroke??). I thought it would be nice to get her a special hot-weather helmet that she could wear and not worry about passing out or drowning in her own sweat. Any ideas?

More info on the city (Rajkot, in the state of Gujarat): There's about a 2:1 ratio of 2-wheelers (mostly scooters, but some motorcycles also -- maxing out at about 200cc) to cages on the road. Roads are in good condition (the best I've seen in India), but occasional potholes, random construction, and irrational drivers (yes worse than Miami) does make it a challenge to ride safe sometimes. Traffic congestion isn't too bad, and lane splitting is perfectly legal (especially considering most roads don't have lanes!).

Her scooter: She has a 100cc (I think) scooter, which handles normal traffic speeds (upto 30-35mph) just fine. She would never conceive of taking it out on the freeway, so that's not an issue.

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