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Old April 7th, 2009, 09:04 AM   #3
weekend rider
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Name: JC
Location: Central IL
Join Date: Dec 2008

Motorcycle(s): '05 Ninja 250

Posts: 87
Chris, is any open-faced helmet going to be cool and light enough for her (she's 5'2" 100lbs), or are there certain brands/models that would be better?

I've never actually even worn an open-faced helmet, so I don't know the first thing I'd have to look for. Also mine is a $90 HJC that could double as a weapon (i.e. heavy) and has a hot non-removeable liner, so that's probably not a good direction for her.

Oh, and I guess my budget would be $200. I'm not sure if she'll even wear it, but on the other hand, I'm willing to pay slightly more for a lighter, less restrictive design (even at the cost of safety, since a mediocre helmet is loads better than no helmet at all!).
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