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Old December 15th, 2011, 06:01 PM   #9
shiroganeshinobi guru
Name: Mike
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Originally Posted by kyrider View Post
So, do you all think that a person does not have to show proof of who they are when they vote? Do you believe every absentee ballot should be counted without verifying if that person even exists?

And let me ask this...

Do you think it is o.k. for Church's or community organizations to go out to nursing homes, shelters etc and collect absentee ballots while also encouraging those people how to vote?
I think of Occam's razor is probably the best answer. Who would go at great lengths to go to visit many different schools at different times to commit voter fraud. There is also mathematical distribution analysis to find inconsistencies. This is actually a big thing with regards to the Russian election right now, which not surprisingly I havent heard much about through regular news.

How would you check a homeless man's id? I don't know but do you refuse his constitutional right to vote because he doesn't have one? I think there are strict guidelines per state that are followed when doing absentee ballot voting.

Organizations can encourage people how to vote but I believe it is illegal to collect their absentee vote (tampering) if I'm not mistaken. It should be deposited directly via USPS. There's also this teacher who was fined for trying to help her students register to vote due to a new state law.
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