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Old December 17th, 2011, 09:35 PM   #6
Zombiphone's Avatar
Name: Tiffani
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Join Date: Oct 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250r (Racebike), 2015 FZ-07(Tourer), 2001 KX65(LOL bike)

Posts: A lot.
Well, I went track only for about 4 months before I picked up a dedicated street bike. Honestly, while the SV is great and all, I don't find myself having much desire at all to ride it. I mean, it's nice getting free choice school parking again, and it's convenient to split lanes to save a little time in brutal traffic, but street riding just... isn't fun to me anymore. At first I thought it would drive me crazy not being able to ride between track days, but I go often enough that it really didn't at all, and the more I try to get back into street riding, the more I've been realizing that I really don't enjoy it. Gas savings are nice and all, and if I end up with a long commute I might feel differently, but right now I'm already pretty strongly considering taking the SV off the street, too, next season.

I'd say do a few more track days, see if you find yourself having any urge or interest in street riding, and go from there. If you already feel like you won't miss it though, you probably won't
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