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Old January 3rd, 2012, 06:33 PM   #32
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MOTM - Oct '12, Feb '14
i'm a libertarian. probably closer to republican than democrat especially when it comes to money. i'm a prude. and i don't think its anyones business if i am or not.
but i'm not so ignorant that i make wild logic jumps and assumptions and use those assumptions and logic jumps to label half of a country as unpatriotic imbeciles. i do realize that people have different opinions on how to solve the issues we all face. i do realize that some people don't understand the logic of an opposing side, and will still blindly argue against it simply because it isn't the solution they understand. it is usually the same people who don't bother even listening to the other sides suggestions. if you think not listening to half of the people in a country is a good way to run things... good for you. its too bad for you that we live in a representative republic with democracy. it sounds like you would prefer to live in a place where only one partys ideals are taken into consideration. maybe you would even like having a sole official in charge of seeing the entirety of the government below them adopts this "ideal plan" and that way we won't ever have to even HEAR opposing view points. why not take it a step farther? just get rid of the opposition... i hear gas chambers work well.

and yes, i did intentionally take it to nazis to show how ridiculous you are all being. happy new year, folks.
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