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Old January 5th, 2012, 12:51 PM   #229
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Name: Akima
Location: England
Join Date: Jul 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2011 Ninja 250R FI

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MOTM - Oct '13
Originally Posted by killamuf View Post
You are spot on with me skipping a heartbeat. For the first 3 seconds, I couldn't believe that it just happened. The first thought that came to my head was, I wish i could go back in time and save the bike from falling or some miracle happens and this is a dream or something like that. lol.

Bro it ruined my day, I am still recovering from the incident. Thinking about it just kills me man.!
The time I had an accident I remember that feeling so well. I was in the process of going into a ditch and I remember thinking something along the lines of "OMG: I'm crashing... a motorcycle... crashing motorcycles is bad... this is bad... OMFG, my beautiful Ninjette is going to be destroyed"! Turns out my panicked mind was being overly dramatic, because I came out of it unharmed and with only very minor damage on the bike.

Originally Posted by killamuf View Post
Oh yeah, and the next day went out riding with a buddy, and his battery died in the middle of the road. He shut off his bike to say something to me, and the bike did not turn on again. We had to jump/roll start it or whatever you call it. Then we were heading home, and my license plate started hanging, one of the bolts just fell off... I guess ill switch to zip-ties. 2012 is turning out to be the worst....!
Try and turn the bike failures/maintenance into a joyful thing. I've had problems with my bike twice now (once my fault when I had a small accident and once because of a manufacturing defect). Both times I enjoyed learning more about the bike, seeing how it was fixed and savoring my riding even more having experienced time away from the bike while it was broken.

So long as it's warm outside, I enjoy the maintenance too. It feels like what time I put into the bike I get back 2 fold in the enjoyment of riding a clean well-maintained and subsequently reliable bike.
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